Plan : Free
Currency : NotSet
Period : Free

Create a FREE QrCodeIt account.

Account Period : 14 Days.
Already have an account? Login
No credit card is required to create a free account.
Email Address
Re-enter Password
Business Name
(or your own name)

I agree to the Terms of Use agreement.
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If your subsciption has not expired then you can


You can upgrade your account.
What happens with a free QR Code account?
Important : Don't use a free account for business purposes unless you plan to subscribe to the site.
Feel free though to get an idea of what you can do with the QrCodeIt site with a free account.
Understand more about a free account...
-You can create and use the site for the period of the free account but when that period is finished the account is locked.
-You can either buy a subscription before or after the free account expires.
-If your account is locked and you buy a subscription then the account becomes unlocked and you can again use it.
-If you have downloaded static codes from your account then because they run directly on the users phone they will continue to work.
-When the account is locked you will not be able to download codes so if you want to download static codes then either subscribe or download them before the free period ends.
-If you have downloaded dynamic codes from your account then because they run on the server and do a lot more than static codes they will only work while you have a subscription and so will stop working when your free account expires.
-Any codes you have created will remain in a locked account for a period of 6 months.
-If a free account is not used for 6 months after expiry of the free account period then the account and it's data is deleted.
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